McMaster University’s Faculty of Engineering
Ranked among the top engineering schools in Canada and worldwide, the Faculty of Engineering plays a key role in helping McMaster University earn its well-deserved reputation as one of Canada’s most innovative universities in learning and research.
McMaster Engineering has a reputation for innovative programs, cutting-edge research, leading faculty, and aspiring students. It has earned a strong reputation as a centre for academic excellence and innovation. The Faculty has approximately 180 faculty members, along with close to 5,000 undergraduate and about 900 graduate students.
An integral part of our innovative culture is the focus on experiential learning and problem based learning that enables students to gain hands-on experience through co-op work terms, internships, research opportunities, clubs and teams and teamwork-based assignments. This stimulates learning, leads to personal development and discovery, and enhances students’ ability to function effectively very quickly after moving into their career paths.
The Faculty attracts approximately $45 million in annual research funding. Engineering faculty, staff and students at McMaster pursue research and learning in more than 22 research centres, institutes and networks whose interdisciplinary pursuits cross departmental and Faculty boundaries.
Outside the University, we collaborate regularly on research projects with partners in universities, government and more than 100 companies in Canada and abroad. Our partnerships with global engineering companies are key to the success of our learning and discovery programs.
Our mission is purposeful and clear: To think globally and act locally to solve the grand challenges facing our communities. At McMaster, we believe in excellence and innovation and inspiring engaged citizen scholars who will transform the world.
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